Factory 29, Industrial Park, Seshego | Polokwane | Info@lcx.co.za

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Digital Hub

Our aim is to cultivate sustainable tech innovation in Limpopo by uniting innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, and designers into a vibrant community.


Seshego Digital Hub

We are committed to fostering innovation,
entrepreneurship, and digital empowerment within our community


Telecommunication Infrastructure
Limpopo Broadband Network

Data Centre | Network operation Control Centre | Contact Centre | Fibre | Cloud capabilities | Wireless technologies

Digital Technologies
Limpopo Science and Technology ParK

Regional Innovation systems Fourth Industrial Revolution Advisory and Consulting services Software and Application Development Digital Hubs – 4IR ICT entrepreneurship
financial sustainability

Financial sustainability


Seshego Digital Hub
What we do

In Partnership

Step into the realm where innovation meets synergy,
where alliances are forged, and possibilities are boundless.